News December 2024
- The email address for the ports office is now the existing email addresses of & no longer work.
- There is now a new self service shop near the ports office
- Web site for port in St Malo Marinas in Saint-Malo – Brittany Pleasure Crafts
Port of Entry
“If you wish to come to the port of Sablons (for Port of Entry), you will have to contact us two days before your arrival so that we can see if we have a place available. Moreover, there is not a particular port to come to, it is you who choose VAUBAN or SABLON.”
There are 2 email addresses that you need to send the form to. I have typed them below so you can cut and paste them as they are long! didpaf-rennes-spafp-saint-malo-uct@inter…;
Message received on 4th May 2024 indicates the first email address is being replaced with
The Saint Malo douane do not normally respond. This was still the case in April/May 2024

The blue arrow points to the Douane building
The customs (Douane) are where the cars check-in for the ferry.

The Douane office
It is not in the building where you buy the tickets or the passenger building.

It is not this building
It appears you either need to go into one of the marinas, or there are 2 holding buoys outside of the Sablons marina. These are not for overnight stays.

The 2 buoys outside of the marina. Not suitable for poor weather or a long stay
The large marina at Les Bas-Sablons is at Saint Servan. In theory an excellent marina with very good access (sill is approx 2m), convenient with good facilities.
St Servan is a lovely town and well worth exploring in its own right. Although a Saint-Malo marina, it is a long walk from Saint-Malo (approx 20 mins). St Servan marina is easy to access at most states of the tide, either before going into St Malo or up the Rance or even whilst travelling from say Granville and around the Brittany coast.
Saint Malo Marinas require the following form to be completed prior to your visit: ESCALE_STOPOVER
YouTube video of Echo Beach leaving the Rance lock gates and entering the Sablons marina – see around 3mins for the Sablons entrance –
Saint-Malo has 2 marinas. The marinas are very different, with one just outside of the Saint-Malo walls and the other, at St Servan.

Les Bas-Sablons marina – photo by

Looking towards the Bas Sablon marina from the beach at St Servan, accessible at most tides except low springs – check the tide gauge near the entrance and take care of the hidden wall
The Visitors moorings are on the 1st and 2nd pontoon as you come in.
Pontoon A has visitor spaces at the middle and end. Pontoon B has visitor spaces at the end. The visitors’ fingers have a red background to the numbers.
There can be a bad wave surge at the end of the pontoon – even in calm weather. The noise from the ferry can be a pain depending on the time of docking and loading.
It would be better if the visitors’ moorings were close to the land, away from the noise and any surge.
Pilot Guide
St Malo lock and lots of other information, wind speed, Vauban lock, Rance lock
Phone number for a recorded message in English of the Barrage Lock times and the time and Height of water in the Rance
Tel: 02 99 81 71 34
Website: Marinas in Saint-Malo – Brittany Pleasure Crafts
VHF channel 9
Guide du Port
Yacht Club de Dinard
On the food + sailing topic, the restaurant of the Yacht Club de Dinard has now reopened.
Knowing the chef, the lunch menu will be competitive and the food very correct. Dinner 35/40 € but on long days May June you can enjoy the sea view and the club atmosphere. Not so many tables so reservation preferably. Denis
Market day
Tuesday in Saint Servan
Rance tides –
Weather –……
Saint-Malo weather forecast from xc weather –…
9 day – Saint Malo –………
Dinard Web Cam