1 June 2024. Please see marinas.digimap.gg for the latest information and the new procedure for entering and exiting marinas. It is good news and thank you to the French authorities and the ports and marina officials who worked so hard to introduce these new rules.
Document: Preavis-Treguier1
Report July 2023
This is one of the most organised and well-run marinas we have visited for some time with an excellent Harbour Master, Tiphenn Le Bitoux, She is very organised, extremely helpful and speaks fluent English.
The marina is worth a visit and she will take bookings and be as helpful as possible, especially with the Brexit paperwork.
Treguier is a very pretty town, up the lovely river River Jaudy and 5nm from La Corne lighthouse. Always arrive at slack tide which is near high or low water. It has a deep water harbour with a channel dredged to 2m. Speed limits are 5 knots in the channel and 3 knots in the harbour. 310 berths with 70 for visitors. Visitors berths are at the end of the first 3 pontoons on arrival (E, D and C). Max length is 12m with 3 moorings for longer boats. A new pontoon has been added to the end of “E” for bigger and heavier boats.
Great new video of Treguier by boat 2016 www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_7oipPQZYs&…
Pilot guide :
Some advice at very low tides
- There is a shallow point near red buoy N° 12, its deeper toward the commercial harbour dock
- When motoring toward the pontoons, stay near green buoys N° 13,15,17, it’s deeper
- At halfway between last green buoy 17 and pontoon F, there is a mound of mud in the 3 poles of pontoon F axis, that can be a problem at very low water in springtides. You can bypass it going a few meters toward the slipway and then back to the channel
The speed limit below La Corne (marked on the light) is 5 knots, although not many local boats stick to this

New pontoon at the end of E pontoon for 2013. Modern, good strong facilities for bigger boats and ideal place to stop to find out where to “park” if the helpful harbour man has not already met you.
Only moor here on slack water. It is best to arrive half an hour before high tide. A strong current flows through the pontoons at a slight angle and there have been many accidents. Also use lots of ropes, springs and fenders.
Arrival (message from Port de Plaisance brochure) On arrival in high season wait near the end of the first pontoon (E) for the berthing master’s boat will welcome you and guide you to your berth, which is governed by the tide and current. Contact the harbourmaster in advance on VHF channel 9. During spring tides, beware of the very strong current in the marina, always berth facing the current. We advise against leaving at half tide. Follow the advice of the harbour master.
Speedbird advice “Take care with these type of river marinas as the tides run very fast, 9 knots or more at times so it is very hard if not impossible to moor a boat at any other time than slack water unless you wish to do some serious damage. There is a waiting pontoon North of the “marina” which is useful. When moored you will see the speed of the tide running past and even sometimes can read it on the boats log. Before departing take a look at the outdrives to ensure that no logs have got lodged around the stern, it is amazing what comes down (or up) the river.”
Normally we would suggest mooring on Pontoon E on the Northside, however, in our motorboat with the bow to the North, it was very noisy at night when the tide was coming in. It was a big spring tide and the wind was north and the chop made a lot of noise against the chines of the boat (maybe OK in a yacht). Mooring on the Southside of the pontoon may reduce the noise, some of the tide and some of the debris.
Port Information
Contact details Tel/Fax 00 33 2 96 92 42 37
Portable : 06 72 70 70 20
VHF channel 9
Email – portdetreguier@eskaledarmor.com
JJ Furet – very helpful Treguier marina harbour master and speaks good English.
The facilities are good. Showers are now free and included in the price. You have to pull a chain to make the shower work, which is a pain, especially as it only keeps going after you have let go of the chain for 5 secs in some showers and no seconds for others. For the loos, you have to press the button very hard to make them flush.
The facilities, toilets and showers in the left of the angular buildings, capitainerie up the spiral stairs, bar on the right – all the essentials
There is a computer at the entrance to the facilities with the weather forecast. The computer gives full free access to the web not just to a weather forecast. You can even lookup the digimap web site for your next marina!
Free wifi and coverage is good, even at the end of Pontoon E. One code can do multiple devices which is much better than some other marinas where it is per device.
Pilot Guide
The route into Treguier is fine provided you do your research. The Grand Chanel is the easiest at all tides but does mean a longer journey for boats approaching from the East or North. There is a north channel but goes over a reef of rocks. The East channel looks fine but beware of 1.6m rocks etc at low water.
Once inside the channel, it is very well marked but you must ensure you keep the coloured buoys on the correct side. There is a green buoy after La Corne which looks too far East but is correct. The latest charts on our chart plotter seemed to be very accurate (Navionics) when we went through on a 0m tide!
One of the last red buoys is the shallowest point (1m on a 0m tide). It is deeper towards the shore away from the buoy. There is a 2m channel dredged from the holding pontoon to Pontoon E.
If you leave around half tide going up, motorboats will have a good following tide all the way back to Guernsey.
Tourist Office
Treguier Tourist Office has moved and is now in the same building as the marina office. Very convenient.
Guide du Port
Message from Ken – Just visited Treguier for a couple of nights. Very helpful staff in the Capitainerie, but the water connections have changed since last year. Perhaps you know already.
The water connections are on the same post as the electricity and offer the female connection only. You, therefore, need a MALE connector to get water. There is no tap so the water is ON as soon as you plugin. Water pressure was pretty low and we needed nearly an hour to fill our water tank of 200 litres.
Hire Car
There are 3 garages where you can hire a car. The marina kindly called the Renault garage. The man does not do the paperwork at the marina office, he comes and collects you and you drive 2 miles to the garage. He then drops you off afterwards. On a Saturday you have to drop it off at 7 pm. Beware, on dropping it off he asked how many miles I had done as it appears there is additional charges for over 100km. I was not informed of this when I collected it. The major hire car companies are in Lannion.
If you take the road by the old Tourist Information office – there is one halfway up the one-way street. Within walking distance of the marina. Otherwise 3 or 4 tasty places in the town centre.
Kastell Dinec’h Route de Treguier/Lannion Tel 2 96 92 49 39. Exceptionally good restaurant using nouvelle cuisine but GOOD! MUST telephone and also get a taxi as only two tables for non-residents. MY FAVOURITE PLACE ON THIS COAST. Worth any effort to get a table – at a price.
*** are based on value for money, good service and cuisine – with thanks to ©Stan Cleal
Ty Braize – formerly St. Bernard near the quay. St Bernard doesn’t exist any more (William the owner is now retired). It’s now called Ty Braize, it’s quite different cooking. Good meal at Ty Braize with good service and English speaking staff (2018)
A new supermarket opened on the entire ground floor of the Capitainerie building, where “Le Ponton” used to be. The BioCoop stocks everything and is so convenient for the visitors’ pontoon. It has fresh garlic to die for as well as good quality fresh produce and bread.
Intermarche about 20 minutes walk from the marina. Useful as everything else seemed to close on Monday.
Harbour staff helpful and friendly.
L’Estuaire Tel 2 96 92 30 25. Overlooking the River Jaudy so good location.
Le Ponton is closed, a new « Bio » supermarket will open there at the end of March.
Creperie La Dinette – Tel 02 96 92 93 22 Fine for a snack. Near the marina
Closest hotel to the Marina is the Hotel Aigue Marine
The L’Estuaire also has rooms although I am told it is 1 star (shared bathroom). Tara B&B is quite convenient to the marina
Market day
Wednesday Market on Wednesdays, guided visits in the city, festive Wednesdays at night with music and dances, classical music in summer and Saint Yves’ procession in May.