
2024 tide tables

APPD_Guide24_A5 Vdéf

July 2024

The marina is very quiet with many local mooring empty.
Only l’Escalle open, but not on Mondays. Report received July 2024 from a regular visitor. L’Escale much improved compared to the start of the year. Had a very good meal.
The New Bar is open every day and serves cold meat platters.
The Raz and others all closed.
Passport entry very simple, just send the form to Agency Portaire.

June 2024

There is a new L shape sand bank in the Avant Port. See the plan below. It is about 1m tall so be aware at low tide.

Pontoon A is the only one allocated to visitors.

March 2024

With thanks to Tim Bean

The current arrangements for emailing your form to Agency Portulaire Nord will continue throughout the year.

Le Cambuse Restaurant has closed its doors. Instead Aurelie and Emmanuel have opened a food shop in Barneville.

The Falaise Hotel remains closed. The new tenants failed to materialise and currently there is nobody on the horizon.

We visited Le Pois Gourmand in Les Pieux (now owned by Cyril & Mellisa ex Falaise Hotel). The fixed price menu at €30 was exceptional – even better cooking than previously. Well worth catching a taxi from Port Dielette. Just 28 covers but will have extra tables on the terrace in the summer. Best to book a table. To book, telephone 02 33 03 23 84 or look at www.lepois-gourmand.com.

The new bar on the quay next to the Moules Frites restaurant is up and running. Wide choice of wines & beers with bar snacks from Sausison, homemade rillettes, meat/cheese planchas, oysters and bulots.

Photo by Richard Bird May 2024

Post Brexit information

The arrangements for Customs are the same as last summer and are very easy. You simply send the completed ‘Formulaire Entree et Sotie – Dielette’ form to Customs (agence.portuaire.nord@manche.fr) 48 hours before arrival and they email back a stamped copy.

  • If Port Diélette is the first port of call upon your arrival in France, you must complete the form attached, 24 hours or more before your arrival, and send it to the email address agence.portuaire.nord@manche.fr
  • If Port Diélette is your last port of call, you complete the form and send it when you leave the french territory.
  • If you do a day trip, it’s necessary to complete one form for the arrival and one form for the departure (never put the arrival/departure on the same form)
  • You do not need to send the form to the customs – just send the form to agence.portuaire.nord@manche.fr and that’s it
  • The new form 2023 – Formulaire Entrée et Sortie – Dielette nouvelle version2023

Port Dielette is an unofficial border crossing point. Our affiliate Customs, by a notice dated July 19th, 2022, implemented a new procedure allowing exceptionally outside Schengen Area pleasure boats to arrive and leave Schengen Area via Port Diélette.

Please, note the following information:

  • You must fill out the Immigration form and send it to the Harbour Authority (HA) at agence.portuaire.nord@manche.fr
  • HA authorises the arrival or departure and forwards the completed document to Customs,
  • Customs stamp the form and send it back to the HA, which forwards the form to the marina office,
  • The marina office returns you the stamped form by e-mail. A printed copy will be available at the marina office in case of need (this copy has to be collected at the arrival or just before departure),
  • You can travel in the Schengen area with the form.

The immigration form is available at the marina office. You can ask for it at portdielette@lecotentin.fr


From PORT DIELETTE: same procedure as ARRIVALS
From any other harbour: you must follow the procedure available in the concerned harbour

Official border crossing points in La Manche – Cherbourg, Carteret, Granville

Port concerned by the same procedure as Port Diélette – Port-Bail

Any questions? Contact us at: portdielette@lecotentin.fr
The new form 2023 – Formulaire Entrée et Sortie – Dielette nouvelle version2023

Dielette marina – photo by Colin Le Conte 2022

Dielette is special, especially to visitors from Guernsey. Slightly closer than Carteret and with better tidal access, Dielette is a popular destination, especially for Guernsey boats.

There is not a lot to do in Dielette, and the village is a good 25 min walk away, so many people hire a taxi or hire car to explore this amazing area of the Normandy peninsular, go for walks or use the bus service. Dielette is a great base. Cherbourg, for example, is only 25 mins away by car and from there you can be in Paris in a couple of hours.

There is now a regular daily bus service to Cherbourg (via Les Pieux). The bus stop is on the main road just outside of the port. The marina office has the bus timetable.

‘Escale’ the Moules Frites restaurant on the quay has reopened under new ownership. We had good service from very friendly and helpful staff.

Important link

Official Dielette website – www.encotentin.fr/port-dielette/

Tide table for 2024  – APPD_Guide24_A5 Vdéf

Dielette now has a digital tide gauge as well as the conventional board.

the digital gauge, photo by Mark Gill

– Small market on Sunday morning during the season
– Diélette is a member of Passeport Escales (www.passeportescales.com)

VHF canal 09 ou tél : +33 (0)2 33 53 68 78 Le Bureau du Port
portdielette@lecotentin.fr   The Harbour office


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2016 photos with thanks to Patrick Banfield and Richard Bird. The chairs have changed colour, but the rest looks the same.

The harbour is reasonably 24-hour access, but best check with the Marina Harbourmaster. The outer pontoons can be used for mooring (but there may be a swell) and can also be used to increase your arrival/departure times.

Boats having a berth in Guernsey have a 50% discount on the mooring fees during all the year, except June, July and August. Jersey boats have a 50% discount all the year except on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights.

The main visitor pontoons are on A. These are all for visitors. Note the fingers get shorter as you go further in.

There are also some visitor moorings on pontoon C for smaller boats (up to 10m). Pontoon B is no longer available.


Pontoons in the main pool area – outside of the marina. Installed August 2011. Photo by Roger Alcock


The pontoons are a mixture of waiting pontoons, pontoons for visitor stays and some permanent berths for smaller local boats. Photo by Roger Alcock

The marina staff do not come out to provide guidance but stay in their marina office. No village or town close by and so not much to do unless you have a car.

The marina gate is lower than the Carteret gate and so the times for entry and departure are longer. There are pontoons in the harbour where you can moor if the tide is too low to get into the Marina.

If the wind and/or swell is from the North West, then you can get quite a bad surge in the outer pontoons and in the marina when the tide is over the sill. It is amazing the effect it has on the boats and can be quite uncomfortable.

Be careful near the wall of the marina on the harbourside, there is a big sill.

"A" pontoon for visitors. Largest fingers are near the entrance gate.

“A” pontoon for visitors. The longest fingers are near the entrance gate – photo by Colin Le Conte 2016


Don’t go right up to the poles – picture by Richard Bird

The toilet block is fine. It is next to the Cambuse. There is a keycode for entry, although there is an emergency toilet next door to the main entrance if required.

Pilot Guide – Capitainerie – 02 33 53 68 78
VHF channel 9

The marina office speaks good English and responds very well to e-mails. The marina staff are very helpful

E-mail: portdielette@lecotentin.fr

Tides – maree.info/37

Supermarkets – Provisions can be obtained by walking over 2 km to Flamanville where there is a small bread shop and another selling groceries. It is a long hill.

Otherwise, a taxi or bus to Les Pieux puts you in a small town with two good supermarkets. A longer walk along the coast (take water if it’s hot) brings you to Flamanville nuclear power station, where there is an exhibition of some interest and staff who will happily answer all questions and sell you a nuclear power plant.

Restaurants – www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurants-g4713782…

L’Escale The L’Escale is on the pier, eat in or outside. Moules and Frites or Entrecôte and frites are their specialities.

Report received July 2024 from a regular visitor. L’Escale much improved compared to the start of the year. Had a very good meal.

A report received in May 2024 was that l’Escale has sadly deteriorated and the moules and frites are not what they used to be. The entrecote was OK.


Le Bouche a Oreille Down a track a ten-minute pleasant walk away is Le Bouche a Oreille. A great atmosphere and food cooked on the log fire. Maitre’d speaks good English, so you can easily book in advance by phone even if your French is limited like mine. 2022 report – Michel and his wife welcomed us back as his first Guernsey customers since Covid. He has reduced the number of tables but thinks that it makes things much better for the 2 person team to provide good food & service. It was a Tuesday evening and they were full….. so best to book beforehand. All cooked on the wood fire the food was memorably tasty.

Tel no, e-mail contact@boucheaoreille-siouville.fr .web site www.leboucheaoreille-siouvillehague.fr/

The Semaphore My favourite is The Semaphore with superb views from the cliff-top location of Sark, Jersey and Alderney. Food is the best in the area but will need to book as the French love it too. I was told by someone that if you book at the Semaphore restaurant, they now offer to pick you up from the marina. Visited May 2019 and very pleasant. You sit in an aluminium conservatory, but the views make up for it. Set menus are only available during the week and not at the weekends. The man in charge speaks good English restaurantlesemaphore.fr/index.htm

La Fallaise

Sadly closed at present

Tel. : 02 33 04 08 40


There are a couple of mobile units towards the Fallaize. One serves Pizzas, and one serves crepes and waffles etc.

Market day – Sunday (high season)

Car Rental / Hire cars – I am told you can rent a car through L’Escale, although they were closed whenever we tried. Tel no +33 2 33 52 67 10.

We rented through www.francecars.fr/ who was very helpful and efficient. They delivered the car on a truck. 

Ferry to Guernsey and Jerseywww.manche-iles.com/wp-content/uploads/2…


The walk to Souville beach, along the Sentier du Plate GR223 path, is a good walk. It takes around 30mins, is scenic and away from traffic. You pass hand gliders, a few old buildings and then walk slightly inland to come back down the street towards the beech. Croquez Moi is a boulangerie selling cakes and sandwiches and worth a visit. You can then walk on to the centre where there is Le Baligan restaurant and the unmanned information office.

The path is to the left of this sign

Croquez Moi

Le Baligan

La Cap Marine – highly rated

We also tried the walk to Les Pieux via the Bouche a Orielle. This is not recommended. It is not well signposted, although we think some blue markings mark the path. It is not very scenic and is over 7km long (despite what the signs and leaflets say). It took us over 1.5 hours to walk. It does, however, keep you away from the main road. It probably is cyclable apart from the section near Les Pieux, which may be a bit bumpy.