Brexit information – This page provides some really useful information…. Including the form that needs to be completed and a one-page guide to visiting.
Here is the latest Entry Declaration form: Customs Saint-Brieuc (2)
The PAF/Customs address is :
3, Impasse des Longs Rèages
22190 Plérin
Telephone No : 00.33.(0)970.275 .151
The building just looks like a commercial building with no signage. This is the building and as you get closer to the door you see the sign for the Douane. There is a button to press and explain you are a visiting boater and they will take you upstairs to process your passport. Do ensure you send in your form at least 24 hours in advance and in our case, we were allocated a time.
Don’t forget to check the lock times.
St Brieuc is a Port of Entry (PPF) for France, similar to Saint-Malo and Roscoff. You do need to be in the St Brieuc marina and then go to customs which I am told is approx 2 miles away. Not ideal!
Saint Brieuc marina is known as being fairly commercial, but over the years, there has been a transformation, and there are some good places to eat and visit near the pontoons. A walk or bus up the hill takes you to the large and interesting town of Saint Brieuc.
The marina is through some large lock gates, and the channel is at the southernmost point of the bay, so is often missed out when going to the more touristy marinas of Saint Quay, Binic and Dahouet.
We visited Le Legue in early 2017 by land. The lock is very large and has ropes on the sides to assist with securing your boat.

The estuary leading to the lock gate, looking out to sea. The gate is on the right out of the picture. There is a small harbour to the left. photo by Colin S Le Conte 2017

The entry to the large lock. Photo was taken from the seaside. Note VHF channel 12 for communication – not VHF9. photo by Colin S Le Conte 2017

The large lock – looking towards the sea. photo by Colin S Le Conte 2017

The upper footbridge that crosses the river. photo by Colin S Le Conte 2017

Qui Gourmand – the new restaurant and shopping centre. The marina office is to the left. photo by Colin S Le Conte 2017

The marina office – photo from 2016. Note the Information office on the other side of the river is closed

The village on the other side of the river. Small with a couple of restaurants. photo by Colin S Le Conte 2017

The bakery on the right side of the small village. It looks quite new and modern inside, but the service was very slow and there were lots of flies. photo by Colin S Le Conte 2017
While all visitors are very welcome, the marina of Saint-Brieuc, the capital of the Department of the Côtes d’Armor, Le Légué is more usually known as a long stay marina, with excellent maintenance and repair facilities for all types of pleasure and commercial craft, including a fully equipped ship repair centre catering for vessels up to 350 tonnes situated between the lock and the swing bridge at the entrance to the marina. This repair facility is unique along the Brittany Channel coast as it includes a state-of-the-art paint shop capable of receiving vessels up to 350 Dwt and 30m LOA.
The marina itself is equipped with a wide slip, 20T boat hoist and a 2T mast stepping jib.
Today, the marina has become something of an undiscovered pearl on the Brittany coast. In order to attract more short-stay visitors, the marina has undergone an extensive upgrade over the past few years, with new pontoons and walkways and a footbridge linking Le Légué to the Plérin lower town being added in 2011. The footbridge is situated opposite the renovated Carré Rosengart mall and provides easy access to the marina’s shower block, and Lower Plerin’s shops and restaurants.
Lower Plérin on the left bank has also seen changes, and there are pleasant bars and restaurants with outside terraces along two sides of the square, as well as a post office. Both the marina of Le Légué and Lower Plerin are becoming ever more popular venues for French and overseas tourists visiting the Saint Brieuc bay area.
The marina comprises 230 berths, including 20 visitors’ berths. It is accessible to all types of boats up to a maximum of 18 metres in length and a maximum draft of 3 metres. The marina sill is 5 metres above chart depths and access is possible two and a half hours before and after high water.
Visiting boats can moor on the pontoon situated on the south bank (Le Légué side). The new marina office is situated on the south bank next to the restaurant at the eastern end of the “Carré Rosengart” marina mall, just seconds from the visitors’ moorings.
Visitors should call the marina office for advice as to where to moor up, and a full team is available during opening hours (and often at other times as well!!)
The Carré Rosengart mall, on the south bank of the marina, was completely renovated a few years ago and its walls and interior of red Côtes d’Armor granite have been faithfully retained and embellished. Note the cast iron and timber roof structure, unusual in this type of construction. Named after Lucian Rosengart, a pioneer French car manufacturer (amongst other things) who built cars in this factory during the early years of the 20th century, the mall contains a large, well-stocked ship chandler and various marine activities. Extensions to the rear of the mall house many repair and maintenance facilities, details of which are available at the marina office.
Development of the remaining old buildings along the marina waterfront on the Le Légué bank is well underway, and further marine-related commercial concerns, including a hotel, will add to the growing attractions of the Le Légué marina.
The town of Saint Brieuc is situated on the plateau above the marina and served by a regular bus service from Lower Plerin. Service times are available at bus stops and the marina office. The town is built of local granite, and its winding streets and the Cathedral are well worth a visit. There are many good restaurants, bars and clubs.
April 2016 Reeds update – has reduced the depth after the swing bridge approaching the marina from 3.0m to 2.5m.

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Message from a visitor, September 2016. Thanks Karl
On entry to the marina/ basin2, there is no requirement to meet a ‘pont’ footbridge time as the lock will open and close with demand and the footbridge will be swung to allow entry.
On departure a call is required on ch12. 20 minutes before the published pont time. The bridge may be opened a few minutes earlier than published.
New shipping container/marquee restaurant and bar at the west end of bassin 2. Busy with locals but fitted us in on a shared bench style table. Simple menu moules, steak, duck avec frites but the food was excellent and well priced.
In St Brieuc centre the ‘Brasserie Breiz’ was a good French menu with a pleasant garden area situated to the side of the shopping centre close to the bus station.
Marina facilities are still pretty rough.
Pilot Guide
Contact information
Landmarks : The Point du Roselier is visible at 8 NM in clear weather.
Le Légué is situated at the mouth of the river Gouet.
The port’s southern breakwater is marked by a light (
To the North is the jetty and Pointe de l’Aigle light (48°32.2N – 002°43.1W) (, vis 160/070 – 270°)
To the South West are the square towers of the church of Saint Michel
Channel & Entry Lights
Landfall buoy « Le Légué » (48°34.3N – 002°41.2W) F. MO (A) B. 12 s, radar. At 210° (C.V), then illuminated buoys: N°1 (green 2,5s) and N°2 (red 2,3s) mark the entrance to the fairway at 0.5 NM from the Pointe de l’Aigle light. The fairway is marked as far as the lock giving access to the inner basins. DANGER: Beware of shifting sandbanks and strong winds from the North East
Tel: 02 96 77 49 85
VHF channel 12
web site
Maritime Affairs Saint-Brieuc : +33 (0) 296 683 070
St Brieuc Tourism : +33 (0) 825 002 222
Cruising Club Association:
Guide du Port…
Market day
Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday
- Fresh water and electricity points along the quay.
- Sanitary block (Plérin side) : Access 24h/7 by key pad
- 6 WC’s/ 4 showers – Washing up facilities
- Free WIFI access on request at the marina office.
- Public telephones
- Cashpoint
- Restaurants, bars and various shops.
- Rubbish disposal points, with selective sorting
- A launderette is situated on the road to the town, and the regular bus service stops nearby. Ask at the marina office for details.
- Payment : Credit cards, eurocheques and cash
Restaurant –…